Sign the petition: Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has concealed decades of lavish trips paid for by a major GOP donor. It has yet to be revealed if these luxury gifts have impacted Thomas’ rulings.
This is likely illegal: All federal judges and justices are required by law to disclose most gifts. And disturbingly, this is yet another example of Thomas’ compromised behavior.
Justice Thomas’ wife advocated for the overthrow of the government while Justice Thomas continued to rule on Supreme Court cases directly related to the insurrection, including Donald Trump’s attempt to block the Jan. 6 committee from getting White House documents. Thomas was the only justice to dissent on that case.
Thomas has also failed to recuse himself when he faced other obvious conflicts of interest. In 2000, he joined the majority in Bush v. Gore, handing the presidency to George W. Bush while his wife was actively aiding Bush’s transition team. In 2012, he participated in the first challenge to the Affordable Care Act even though his wife was being paid to lobby against it and to seek its repeal. And in 2017, he ruled to uphold Trump’s cruel Muslim ban while Ginni Thomas received funding from one of the organizations that urged the court to uphold it.
Thomas' repeated conflicts of interest undermine the supposed impartiality of the Supreme Court. Now, he has likely broken the law. He must be impeached immediately in order to maintain any impartiality in the highest court of the land.
Sign the petition: Justice Clarence Thomas is riddled with conflicts of interest. He must be impeached.Participating Organizations: