Sign the petition: The Republican National Committee must denounce ads promoting extreme violence

Political violence is on the rise. Bureaucrats and public-health officials who used to be anonymous have faced death threats and harassment since the 2020 election, and that violence inspired by right-wing extremism continues to escalate. In Wisconsin, a former judge was murdered in his home in what officials believe was a targeted attack.

The GOP’s response to increased political violence is to campaign on that very deadly violence, promoting additional attacks as their soap box.

Missouri Republican Senate candidate Eric Greitens has released a campaign ad urging his supporters to attack Republicans who don't support Donald Trump, whom he refers to as "RINOs", while an armed military team executes. Greitens looks directly into the camera and says "we're going RINO" hunting.

Our lawmakers and leaders cannot continue to stoke hatred and violence. Whatsmore, our national parties cannot condone such ads as typical political fodder.

Instead of denouncing hate, this candidate is provoking his supporters to commit illegal acts. Party institutions should immediately call out this dangerous behavior and prevent the escalation of political violence.

Sign the petition to the RNC and RSCC: Denounce ads promoting political violence.

Participating Organizations
Daily Kos
Civic Shout
Crazy Eight PAC
The Juggernaut Project
The People Untied
Progressive Reform Network