One Job Should Be Enough

Add your name and publicly pledge to support Marriott hotel workers by not eating, sleeping or meeting at any Marriott in the event of a boycott and/or strike, and to respect women and not sexually harass hotel workers.

Right now, working people everywhere are demanding our fair share of the economy.

Marriott is the richest hotel company in the world—worth $49 billion. They can set the standard for workers and companies everywhere. We demand that they set a higher standard.

Members of UNITE HERE have been raising standards for hotel workers and changing lives in the U.S and Canada for years. We know how to fight and we know how to win—even when we’re up against some of the biggest companies on the planet.

One job should be enough to keep up with the cost of living, raise a family, and retire with dignity. Please add your name and pledge the support we need to help us win.