Sign the Solidarity Statement to Tell Yale University to Negotiate With Its Graduate Teachers

In February, Yale graduate teachers voted to join together in a union to create a better workplace, but so far the university has refused to negotiate. It is delaying, attempting to wait until Donald Trump can seat appointees on the National Labor Relations Board who will void the votes and strip graduate workers of their rights.

Sign the International Solidarity Statement to tell Yale Corporation and Yale University President Peter Salovey to finally sit down and negotiate with graduate teachers.

The International Solidarity Statement says the following:

Young people deserve a bright, hopeful future.

We stand together with the courageous young scholars at Yale University who have chosen to fight for their future.

The cause for which the graduate teachers are fighting does not belong to them alone. A secure living, fair benefits, a workplace free from racism and sexual harassment, and a voice in their conditions—these are the rights of all working people.

We applaud their steadfast commitment to justice in the wake of their administration’s refusal to engage in constructive dialogue.

We honor their spirit of unity, a powerful contrast to the spirit of Trump and his efforts to divide.

We call on the Yale Corporation and Yale President Peter Salovey to immediately stop their tactics of delay, to begin a constructive dialogue in keeping with the spirit of the university, to embrace the values of these young scholars and to celebrate their efforts to create a more equitable and democratic society.

Their cause is our cause. Their future is our future.

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