Sign up for Direct Action for Long COVID Justice

Sign up using this form to be the first to know if we send out a call for volunteers to participate in a direct action.
Long COVID Justice is in a long lineage of justice movements using direct action. Direct action can range from distribution of vital supplies – like masks and COVID tests – needed in our communities, to confrontational actions like protests, to civil disobedience drawing attention to or blocking injustice.
Long COVID Justice was founded, in part, by longtime HIV activists living with Long COVID, who have seen direct action win the policies and resources to turn around an almost universally fatal condition for millions worldwide, in a movement that continues to push for the rights and lives of people living with, or at risk of, HIV.
We honor the lineage and power of the disability justice movement – named and shaped by disabled and chronically ill Black and Brown LGBTQ people – which recognizes it takes more than theoretical legal rights to overcome entrenched ableism, racism, gender bias and the drive for profits.
Direct action efforts can and should span a range of access needs! We’ve helped to develop a spectrum of tactics that deepen collaboration between those who can be onsite and others who help from a distance, or from our beds. If you sign up here, you'll be sent a link to our toolkit which you can also access by clicking this link.
Following the inspiring and effective models of HIV activism, LGBTQ+ movements, disability justice movements and more, we invite you to let us know if you or your loved ones can join direct action in person or online.
If you're interested in designing your own direct action, please make use of the toolkit here.
Then let us know how it went by emailing or tagging us @longcovidnetwk on twitter or @longcovidjustice on instagram.