Sign-Up Sheet for Paid Canvassers

Philly Neighborhood Networks is looking to hire people to canvass neighbors in select communities in the city. You must be personable, responsible to the work, have a smart phone, and be willing to learn how to use the MiniVAN app to capture information from the people you talk with at the doors.

Work is typically a five-hour shift with a paid half hour break taken from that time. At the start of each shift, you'll get a List Number that you'll input into the MiniVAN app. You'll be given instructions - and practice - on what to say at the doors, how to record information in MiniVAN, and how to close out your shift.

Note: This is at-will work, meaning that we can hire and fire as we deem necessary to maintain the integrity of the work we'll be doing at the doors. As a Paid Canvasser, you'll be our ambassador with our neighbors, so a friendly approach is best. You will also be responsible for faithfully inputting the data you'll be collecting. Your work will help determine what people really care about, and help guide the work we take on in the community.

Canvassers are paid $20/hr for five hours for a total of $100 per shift. Accommodations can be made on hours and days to fit personal schedules. You can work as often as you like within program limits. Those who excel at this work may be invited to become Canvass Leaders at $25/hr in the fall.

To learn more about PNN, go to