Stay Connected with CNVP!
About CNVP:
The California Native Vote Project’s mission is to achieve equity for Native American children, families and communities by increasing Native communities’ civic participation and power. CNVP seeks to achieve health equity based on community interest and voice, including but not limited to issues such as education, health care, and other Native American justice issues. Our organization was founded in 2016 to fill a critical gap in Native American statewide organizing and advocacy. CNVP is a statewide organization anchored in a Los Angeles office, with a growing office and staff in Sacramento.
Who Should Join?
CNVP membership is open to all who are interested in supporting our organization's mission. While our work centers American Indian/Alaska Natives from what is now known as the United States, we acknowledge that the interconnectedness of all life serves as the foundation of organizing. We encourage our global Indigenous and non-Native allies to join our membership. Thank you so much for your interest!