Support voter registration at Indian Health Service facilities

Roughly one-third of Native peoples who are eligible to vote are not registered -- 1.2 million people.

Current voter registration opportunities, such as those at DMVs or state social service agencies, are less accessible to Native communities as many Native peoples use Tribal IDs and federal programs that fulfill the federal government’s treaty obligations. Additionally, these offices are state-run and less used by Native Americans who live on reservation lands, while other voter registration sites are often located over 50 miles from reservation communities.

Thankfully, the Biden administration has issued an executive order urging federal agencies like the Indian Health Service to provide increased access to voter registration and voter information. Already four IHS facilities in Arizona, New Mexico, and California have applied for and received voter registration designation under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.

According to a new report, IHS could register 270,000 Native peoples to vote each year -- registering virtually all unregistered Native peoples over just a few years.

Add your name to support voter registration at Indian Health Service facilities. Urge IHS facilities across Turtle Island to apply for voter registration designation now.

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Los Angeles, CA