Tell Amazon shareholders and Board: Vote to hold Amazon accountable and expose global tax avoidance

In 2018, Amazon paid $0 in federal income taxes to the United States of America on $11 billion in profits. It paid a tax rate of just 5% on nearly $80 billion in profits the last four years. The average American taxpayer pays a 13% federal income tax rate.

Taxpayers and Amazon investors, customers, and employees deserve to know how one of the largest corporations in the world is avoiding paying its fair share in taxes – so we can stop it in the future!

On May 25th, Amazon shareholders will vote on a motion to hold Amazon accountable by requiring it to disclose its revenues, profits, taxes, and other useful information relating to actual operations in each of the countries where it books income. This will expose Amazon’s shifting of profits offshore to avoid paying what it owes in taxes here at home.  

Amazon tried to kill the motion, but the Securities and Exchange Commission has ruled it must be voted on – essentially giving all of us some voice in how this giant corporation operates.

Profit shifting by corporations is estimated to cost the U.S. government as much as $100 billion in lost tax revenue every year. Amazon, which is worth $1.1 trillion, doesn’t want the public to know how much of that lost revenue it owes. Public disclosure could allow investors and the public to find out.  

That’s why we ask you sign the petition below urging all Amazon shareholders to vote in favor of Amazon Shareholder Proposal #12: Tax Transparency.

It will be voted on at the May 25th Amazon shareholder meeting. We will deliver your signature to Amazon shareholders and the Amazon Board before the May 25th vote!

At the May 25th Amazon shareholders meeting, I urge all Amazon shareholders to vote in favor of Shareholder Proposal #12: Tax Transparency. This resolution will require Amazon to make public the taxes it pays in every country around the world, as well as the revenues, profits, and key metrics of operation for Amazon in every jurisdiction that it books income. Such information will enable shareholders and the public at large to identify the extent to which Amazon shifts profits offshore from America in order to avoid paying its fair share of taxes.