Tell Congress: Pass the “Stop Gas Price Gouging Tax and Rebate Act” to protect the American people from Big Oil’s price gouging

73% of voters are concerned about gas prices―and they should be! Last year, the largest oil and gas corporations made a combined $205 BILLION in record profits and they haven’t stopped in 2022.

Responding to this outrage, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) has introduced new legislation that would place a 50% tax on Big Oil corporations’ 2022 taxable income that exceeds 110% of their average taxable income between 2015 – 2019.

The revenue raised would be returned to consumers as a monthly, advanced, refundable tax credit using the same income eligibility criteria used for the economic stimulus payments in the COVID relief American Rescue Plan last year.

Demand Congress act! Become a grassroots co-signer of the Stop Gas Price Gouging Tax and Rebate Act today.
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