Tell Congress: Protect warehouse workers this Prime Day!

Amazon is the second-largest private employer in the country. But it's warehouse injury rates are more than twice as much as its main competitor, Walmart. It doesn’t have to be like this. Here are three things Congress could do to protect Amazon workers:

  1. Regulate the quota monitoring system and ban terminating people for missing quotas. Amazon warehouses use real-time monitoring systems that notify workers when they’re falling behind Amazon’s quota pace. As a result, workers are forced to work dangerously fast, often skipping bathroom breaks, out of fear of losing their jobs. Congress should regulate this workplace surveillance.

  2. Regulate robotics systems. Amazon centers that are partially automated with robots actually have a higher injury rate than its fully-human warehouses. The robots perform repetitive tasks at rates that humans just can’t keep up with, encouraging humans to dangerously cut corners.

  3. Encourage unionization! While Congress can and should act on each individual workplace safety measure, simply making it easier for employees to form a union by passing legislation like the PRO Act can address many of these issues. UPS uses a quota monitoring system for its drivers, but UPS’s contract with the Teamsters union forbids them from firing drivers for falling behind.

Sign now to demand that Congress take action to protect warehouse workers!

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