Add Your Name: Tell Donald Trump to Stop Using Jews to Shut Down Free Speech

After a week of antisemitic speech, Trump is now signing an executive order to withhold money from college campuses that tolerate “anti-Israel” movements. This is not about keeping Jews safe. It’s just more antisemitism.

The order defines Judaism as a “nationality,” promoting the classically bigoted idea that American Jews are not, well, American.

Donald Trump cannot be trusted to define antisemitism for Jews. He incites deadly white nationalist violence against our communities. He calls us disloyal. When speaking to American Jews, he refers to Israel as “your country” because he believes we do not really belong here. Conflating criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism is actually antisemitic because it implies that all Jews agree with, and are responsible for, Israel’s actions.

This order will not protect our communities from Trump’s white nationalism or the violent threats we face. It will be used to target and silence human rights advocates and, in particular, Palestinian and Muslim college students.

American Jews will not allow Trump to speak for or silence us. Our safety will come from solidarity with all marginalized groups. We refuse to allow the Occupation to continue in our name, and we reject this executive order.

Add your name to this petition telling Trump to stop using Jews to shut down free speech.

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