Tell Your Bank’s Investors to Stop Climate Chaos

Over 35,000 customers have now joined the demand that Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citibank stop funding fossil fuels. Now we need customers demanding that their bank's shareholders vote the right way on key climate resolutions.

April marks the start of a season of Wall Street’s shareholder meetings. Why do we care about shareholder season? Because shareholders have the power to vote on resolutions that can steer a company’s course of action.

This year, we have a unique opportunity; we expect to see shareholder resolutions calling for an end to fossil fuel expansion to be introduced at the meetings of every Wall Street bank because ZERO Wall Street banks have taken this necessary action to prevent climate chaos. To stop a hole from getting bigger, you have to stop digging.

Sign on to the Open Letters to Investors by filling out the form to tell them that they have the power to stop expanding the fossil fuel industry.

Click here to VIEW the Open Letters to Investors (sign on to the letters by filling out the form!)