Thank you for contacting Senator Portman

Thank you for taking the time to call Senator Portman and urge him to reject Trumpcare.

Senator Rob Portman is a critical vote to stop this horrible bill which could take healthcare from 1 in 4 Ohioans.

Sen. Rob Portman is already on the record as one of four Republican Senators stating opposition to the House plan, because it slashes Medicaid expansion funding. We must ensure he stands by his statement.

Please take a brief moment to tell us how many calls you made, how they went, and if the staff revealed any information about Senator Portman's position. This information will help us further pressure him and identify phone issues.

After making your phone call(s), please use the comment box on the right to report any details about your call.

  • Were you able to get through?
  • Which office or offices did you call?
  • How many calls?
  • Did they take a position or respond to your position?
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