This Black Friday Walmart Workers Are Making History. Will You Stand With Them?

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

This November 28, Black Friday, Walmart workers and their supporters will take part in the largest day of protest in Walmart’s history. In cities across the country, Walmart workers will take part in mass Civil Disobedience in order to send a message to Walmart and the Waltons that the time has come for change.

We are writing today to ask you to participate in a Civil Disobedience on Black Friday to support this historic campaign.

In cities across the country, workers, clergy, elected officials and community members will be participating in Civil Disobedience actions and risking arrest to make sure our message is heard.

Are you ready to join the proud tradition of Americans using Civil Disobedience to Stand for Justice? When you sign-up here, you’re letting us know that you’re ready to take this powerful action to make a difference for Walmart workers and for all workers.

When you sign-up, you’ll receive:

  • An invitation to participate inan in-person Civil Disobedience Training
  • Support throughout the legal process

Commitment to Non-Violence and Respect

For those who are willing to make the commitment to challenge on the world’s largest company and Walton heirs to do better by our communities and Walmart workers by committing Civil Disobedience on Black Friday, “the super bowl” of retail, we ask you to agree to the following:

  • Non-violence with our actions and words.
  • Support for the workers at Walmart by taking direction and adhering to the objectives of the Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart).

  • Take direction from action leads and coordinators.

If you feel honestly that you cannot agree to these commitments, we ask you please NOT to sign up for participating in Civil Disobedience.

By signing up for this action you are committing to:

Before the action

  • Completing a campaign training on non-violent Civil Disobedience
  • Working with local campaign coordinators to make a specific plan
  • Arriving on-time

During the action

  • Respecting the leadership of Walmart workers in this campaign
  • Following the agreed-upon plan and listening to designated action leaders when changes in plans are necessary
  • Remaining non-violent at all times

After the action

Staying in touch with the action team to complete any necessary legal follow-up

Form by
Silvia Fabela
Washington, District of Columbia