Member Sign-on Letter

We, the undersigned faculty and members of United Academics of the University of Oregon, stand together in our fight for a fair contract.

We are fighting for fair working conditions, competitive salaries, and improved benefits, all of which are crucial to the collective success of the university and for our well-being as faculty members.

We affirm our unwavering support for our bargaining team as they negotiate on our behalf for:


  • a salary package that addresses inflation and increases in cost of living via across-the-board raises, tackles internal and external equity issues, rewards meritorious performance, and brings us closer to parity with our AAU comparators
  • sustainable teaching loads and professional development time for Career faculty, as well as the recognition of service inequities for all faculty
  • improved job security by limiting the use of Pro Tem positions and strengthening the reclassification process
  • the primacy of faculty in developing internal governance, workload, and review standards
  • shared governance and the integrity of unit policies in review processes
  • expanded benefits for sabbatical and other leaves
  • increased support for research faculty, whose employment is among the most precarious on campus despite their crucial contributions
We are United Academics of the University of Oregon.

We promote and defend quality public higher education by working together to uphold the University of Oregon’s academic and research priorities.

We believe in democracy, fairness, transparency, academic excellence, diversity, access to education, and economic opportunity.

We aim to enhance the quality of faculty work life and student education by negotiating our terms and conditions of employment.

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