Volunteer for your local party

Come and join us - making a local Green difference!

Please sign up to help spread the Green message

Support for the Greens is growing across Arun and Chichester. Since 2023 we've had six Green councillors in Arun District Council, and two Green councillors in Chichester District Council. Their hard work and positive message is making an important impact.

Building on this, and all our local campaigning during the General Election, we're aiming to significantly increase our number of councillors in the 2025 West Sussex County Council elections. Could you help us?

We'll be recruiting candidates, delivering leaflets and canvassing across Arun and Chichester. Please sign up here if you're able to help out. We also have a Give A Little account - with no billionaire backers the Green Party rely on members and supporters like you!

Our hard-working local councillors across Arun and Chichester:

Photos of our local councillors

What might I be asked to do? To make sure our candidates and councillors are supporting their constituents, it's important that we keep in touch. So we might be: delivering newsletters, conducting 'sixty second' surveys, or canvassing local residents.

Do I have to knock on strangers' doors? It's up to you! But we know that canvassing really works and you will be alongside another party member. These are usually friendly and enlightening conversations, and most people are delighted that local politicians care enough to ask their opinion.

What happens on the day? There will be a group of us who meet before and after, usually for a cup of tea and a chat. We plan our routes, do some quick training, and set off. You can be paired up with another member if you want to - new volunteers are always very welcome!

What are the benefits? It's a great way to meet fellow Greens and support the work of your local party!

Thanks for your interest and support - we look forward to seeing you soon