Sign up to Write Letters to Georgia

We are on a short timeline for this runoff which means:

  • Letters should be mailed on a ROLLING BASIS, so please mail your letters as soon as you complete them

  • ALL letters should be postmarked on or before Saturday, November 26th

  • For the first few days of the program, please allow additional time to receive your list

  • To get an additional list, simply fill out this form again

Once again, the direction of the country over the next two years is dependent on one state: Georgia. Unfortunately, Rev. Warnock did not reach the 50% threshold required to avoid a runoff election.

In 2021, Working America’s efforts in the Georgia runoff, including the many thousands of letters that you, our volunteers sent made a huge impact - and helped win the Senate. This year we’re here to show up once again.

We’re writing letters on a deeply felt issue to working people, that of affordable health care. Over years of iterative testing, these letters directly impact the way working people view their civic engagement, including who they vote for. This year, early analyses show that health care issue letters have proven to be the most persuasive with working Georgians.

Working people know that freedom is on the ballot this election year. The freedom to organize, the freedom to vote, and the freedom to improve our lives and those of our families.

We need a Senate that fights for working Americans. With so much at stake, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get all hands on deck.

Volunteer Agreement Non-political 1
Volunteer Agreement Non-political 2