The funds raised here go directly to Red and the Terry family on Bent Mountain!
Farmers along the route of the Mountain Valley Pipeline are fighting back. This violent project, alongside the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, threatens the livelihoods, health, and survival of communities from West Virginia to North Carolina. The proposed pipeline would rip through miles and miles of small farms, but many farmers and families are using direct action to halt the project.
Farmers hold invaluable knowledge and skills necessary for the creation and sustainability of life. They need your help to continue to defend the resources we hold most sacred. Please donate and/or get in touch at if you are able to support or get involved in other ways! For more information check us out on Farmlands Fighting Pipelines on Facebook. If you prefer, you can send a check to P.O. Box 184, The Plains, VA 20198.
For farms, for food, and for our future. <3
The mission of the Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice is to be faithful stewards of creation by supporting resistance to its degradation and exploitation. This ministry is connected to those risking all to stop these pipelines and intends to provide resources to those who protect the earth’s ecosystems, safeguard public health, and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for people.