Protecting public education from threats of privatization has become a full-time job for some of our volunteers. With #ALEC now investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to finish what they've started in Kentucky, that isn't going to end any time soon. Travel expenses, printing costs, etc. also come out of those same volunteers' pockets, resulting in a double or triple whammy!
We can't thank our volunteers enough for the 1000's of hours of their personal time they've sacrificed without complaint, but we are reaching a point where many are realizing they can no longer afford to stay in this fight at this level. In order to keep the pressure on lawmakers in 2019, and have a chance at being heard over the billionaires -- and their lobbyists and ALEC-backed legislators -- we need to be able to reimburse some of our warriors for the expenses they incur while advocating for public education. Which means, it's necessary to raise some funds!
We are asking for our friends, fans, supporters -- anyone who values public education -- to make a monthly PLEDGE to carry us through 2019. It can be $5 per month, $100 per month, whatever you feel comfortable with. Whatever protecting public education and democracy are worth to you. Having monthly commitments from subscribers helps us plan our year a bit better. And sharing the load helps us go farther faster.
Here are some of the things your monthly contributions might be used for in 2019:
* Printing/Banners/Flyers/Mailers ($3,000 for 2019 legislative session)
* Social Media Marketing Campaigns ($1,500 for 1Q 2019)
* Postcards to the "Lege" - statewide postcard parties and hand delivery of cards to legislators ($1,500) - Cosponsors welcome
* Legislators' Lunch and Learn ($800) - Cosponsors welcome
* Field Trips to visit Indianapolis Public Schools/or bring them to us ($800)
* Advocacy Day in Frankfort ($500) - Cosponsors welcome
* SOSKY Statewide Tour: Gas & lunch money, handouts, marketing, room reservations ($1,500)
* Subscriptions (email, zoom, etc.) ($500/yr)
* Postage ($350)
* Powerful pop-up marketing displays that convey timely messages $500 each - one per month during session ($1,500)
* Tunnel decorations ($500)
* Swag Closet (prizes for donors) ($750)
* Swag Closet (prizes for donors) ($750)
We are hoping to receive commitments totaling $35,000 for 2019, or just under $3,000 per month. Donor levels receive prizes, such as t-shirts ($100/mo), mugs ($50/mo) and ($5/mo) window decals. We will be reaching out to allied organizations as well as individuals to assist us in reaching this goal. Please use the attached link to make your 2019 monthly commitment to protect public education in Kentucky today.
In addition, if you ever hear of anyone looking for printing or logoed wear, we now have a relationship with a wholesale printing vendor who allows us to receive a portion of the proceeds for jobs we refer to them, and those funds are used to help offset our costs. Tell everyone you know to please let us provide them with a bid next time they need printing or t-shirts, etc! Call (502) 565-8397 today!
*Due to SOSKY's status as a non-profit corporation, donations are not tax deductible at this time. We choose to operate without tax favorable treatment so that we can be most effective in our advocacy work.