2018 - Kim Klingensmith Hart for PA House 82

As I declare my candidacy to run for the 82nd District State Representative office I would like to briefly share my goals. My hope is to positively impact our community by making it a safer, more attractive, and more prosperous place to live. I’d work to bring much needed improvements to the job market, the public education system, and the overall social environment. I’d diligently try to impact our district with compassion, integrity, determination, humility, commitment, courage, and hard work.I humbly ask for your support.

Three areas of concern:
Opioid Crisis
We are all concerned with the opioid crisis. We need to treat and combat the problem with a vengeance.We need to save those who “use” by providing them with the appropriate duration in rehab, as well as aid them in recovery and transition. The money spent will be well worth the lives saved.
Public Education
Standardized tests have played too prominent of a role in public education.Our students need to be educated in a well rounded manner that encourages training in all areas. Computer technology skills, vocational skills, the arts, agriculture, carpentry, and health related instruction must be equally emphasized to both train well rounded students, as well as erase the stigma that some curriculums are more important than others. There are many more concerns, but that is an important one.
In this district our young adults often leave our community for education, training, and military service and never return to live here. We need to attract businesses and organizations that encourage these young people to “come home” to live and help make our district prosper.

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