Local 26 Strike Assistance Fund

Boston, MA

The Local 26 Strike Assistance Fund was created when more than 600 Local 26 members at Harvard University called a strike on October 5, 2016.

Even though they worked for the world's richest university, Harvard's dining hall workers had to strike to win the ability to earn $35,000 a year and to be able to take their kids to the doctor without fear. After 22 days, they won. And they inspired all of us.

This page will continue be used to offer allies and supporters a way to materially support Local 26 members when they take the courageous step of striking.


About the Local 26 Strike Assistance Fund

The Local 26 Strike Assistance Fund is dedicated to supporting members who are on strike. The funds collected by the strike assistance fund go to provide material support to strikers. This includes assistance with groceries, diapers, formula, payments on utility bills, and mortgage or rent payments. The fund does not distribute money directly to strikers, only material assistance. All decisions to distribute money from the fund are made by the Strike Assistance Committee, an organization composed of and led by the members of the Union.

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