Melton Green Transition

Melton Transition

We are a group of local people who feel optimistic that Melton can be a more caring and closely linked, sustainable, low carbon environment. We would like to build membership so that we can deliver practical projects, give friendly advice and facilitate events. This is on a completely voluntary basis. We see that activities might fall into four areas : food and agriculture, energy, transport, work/business/lifestyle.

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Transition Towns are part of a worldwide environmental movement encouraging people to change their own communities for the better. Schemes in other towns include : sourcing food waste and enabling it to go to Food Banks, fruit and nut tree planting schemes, seed swap and garden sharing, repair and mend workshops, field to fork to give locally grown food a market, providing a market for local craftspeople and artisans.

We would like you to bring your thoughts, ideas and enthusiasm to this venture and be part of the discussion and part of the process.

Our Actions

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