FBI Integrity Project
Join former FBI employees and Americans from all walks of life. Donate or volunteer to keep Republican and Democrat politics out of the FBI while ensuring it remains subject to meaningful, bipartisan oversight.
Please visit our website to learn more about this important movement.
To fulfill its mission, Protect the FBI will:
1. Host "Ask a Former FBI agent," an online forum, to ensure the public understands the FBI's vital roles, responsibilities, and actions.
2. Obtain pledges from Congressional candidates stating they will oversee the FBI in a meaningful, bipartisan manner that serves the American public, not their political party.
3. Connect former FBI agents with their congressional representatives to help them better understand the FBI's mission to safeguard the country.
4. Lobby for legislation that will empower FBI employees to, without fear of retaliatory personnel action, identify and report abuse of authority, mismanagement, or illegality, including, if observed, the corrupt influence of partisan politics on the FBI’s decision-making.
For more information or press inquiries, please contact us through our website.