PSR Houston: Women's & Reproductive Rights Committee

Women’s Rights are human rights. This premise is the cornerstone of the Women’s & Reproductive Rights committee. We believe in the Equal Rights Amendment which recognizes that “all men and women are created equal” and that women have a right to income equality, where equal work is given equal pay. We believe that the right of individuals to govern their own bodies, to be free from abuse by others or coercive interventions by the government, is fundamental to the security and freedoms of a democratically governed people. When this right is eroded by failure to advocate justly for victims of sexual assault or by limiting access to safe and expedient reproductive healthcare options, women disproportionately bear the consequences. This is especially true for women of economically disadvantaged backgrounds and contributes to a cycle of economic deprivation in these communities. The Pantsuit Republic and this committee supports action to preserve a woman’s sovereignty over her own body and to elevate American women and their partners with regard to income equality and parental leave. We will be working towards thwarting the efforts of politicians and any legislation that seeks to impede our rights to bodily autonomy, income equality, access to birth control, just and appropriate sentencing for sex offenders, domestic violence and rapists, and the right to choose, through activism and action.

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