Reproductive Rights and Justice

NOW affirms that reproductive rights are issues of life and death for women, not mere matters of choice. NOW fully supports access to safe and legal abortion, to effective birth control and emergency contraception, to reproductive health services and education for all women. We oppose attempts to restrict these rights through legislation, regulation or Constitutional amendment.

The role of the Reproductive Rights and Justice Committee is to gather and catalog any information relevant to this topic. This information will be used by the legislative team to help in meetings with our legislators, in preparing testimony for legislative hearings, and in the writing of proposed legislation. As a member of this committee, you can help by doing that research to gather the information, by helping to organize the information into a form that's clear and easy to convey, or by helping with communication to help keep your own committee in the loop and also keeping the chapter as a whole in the loop as well. Other tasks may be needed as well, and your committee chair may call for additional help as it is needed.

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