She Can Make a Difference

Columbus, OH

She Can Make a Difference a women’s empowerment organization that aims to empower fourth through seventh grade girls throughout the city of Columbus and the surrounding areas by enabling them to realize their own potential to change the world

Topics that we cover include body positivity, self love and representation!

Our high school teams made up of 5-7 girls go into classrooms on Wednesdays to talk to the female students about their experiences through the lenses of the aforementioned topics.

We host a retreat each year in the spring where girls are invited to learn from women about their day to day lives in their respective careers. They are able to learn other essential things that are necessary for their success as women such as self defense and yoga!

Our main focus as an organization is to ensure that each girl that we meet is able to see the light within themselves by enabling them to realize their own potential to change the world.

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