Women Fitness Group

Santa Rosa, CA

Hi my self misty jhones professional fitness expert and health writer

Read my latest articles about abs workout

Carving the 6 pack abs isn’t easier said than done. However anyone can have the physique they desired even without eating meat. You can go the vegetarian diet regime to fuel your 6 pack. No need to spend loads of bucks on nutritious diet, just know right foods and right ways to eat them.

1.     Start With Oatmeal

High fiber oatmeal is best to start your day, because it makes digestion easy. Try to avoid flavored oatmeal because of sugar and high calories that can harm.

2.     Spinach Was good For Popeye, So For You!

Remember Popeye the Sailor, got his forearms bursting with spinach alone! Indeed it is a protein and fiber powerhouse, that both make up an vital part of vegetarian diet especially for 6 pack abs it fits the bill.

3.     Sweet Potatoes Or Couch Potatoes

In fat burning world sweet potatoes have their very own way to supply perfect portion of carbohydrates for energy. It is not like potatoes that causes increase in insulin level and fat storage as well.

4.     Cauliflower is a Quali-Flower

It contain right amount of carbohydrates, protein and fibers to fuel your body to get 6 pack abs. It really fits into any vegetarian diet.

5.     Broccoli

Rich in fiber, low in calories it is powerhouse of energy for building muscles. It also contain vitamin C to help recover the intense workout. However eat it with condiment because it is best on its own.

6.     Protein shakes

Protein shakes is must for the vegetarian way to 6 pack abs. it is like a magic and you can make your own by mixing pulses, fruits, vegetables and whey protein powder. It is one of the most popular protein supplement and have various benefits that help you run the race towards having 6 packs because it has the properties of repairing and recovering muscle tissues fast.

7.     Have Much-Room for Mushroom

Mushrooms are important nutrients and very low in calories, these tasty mushrooms are best to include in any 6 pack chronicle. Mushrooms stay expanded within your belly and helps you feel fuller for longer. So have a much room for mushrooms in your pantry as well as in your daily meal. Never ever underestimate the strength of green to build up your body. If you can live on the vegetables alone then they can also be best for having a good physique. The truth about abs or the main trick is to get right one at the right time and in a right way.

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