W.T.F.- Women Talking Feminism

Vancouver, WA


While I know and appreciate that many men are feminists, I believe that women need to stick together by way of sisterhood, encouragement and empowerment. If you consider yourself a feminist, please join us! (I just liked the acronym WTF and think Women should be the center of the discussions.)

I would like this group to be made up of anyone who identifies as a feminist. I just think it's important to build a group that supports dismantling patriarchy and misogyny. EVERYONE is welcome at our events and gatherings. Please bring your partner and/or friends & family members.

WOMEN OF COLOR..... WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!! I do not want this to become a white female feminist group.... I know that we (white women) can all gain tremendous insight & knowledge about the struggles that people in our community face on a real level when women of color share stories with us. I want to create a space where women of color are given a platform to speak up and be a leader instead of someone in the background while a bunch of white women "fight for your rights" and talk about racial disparities that we have never encountered on a firsthand basis.

We can be a source of support for each other, have a time and place to vent about patriarchy and misogyny with like-minded people while encouraging & empowering one another. I would like to work on coming up with ways to make a difference in our community. I think the most effective way to get involved is to just join other local efforts that are already organized and operating. I will keep a Google Calendar with any community events that I find so you can pick and choose what's important to you and where you want to invest your energy.

My goal is that we will try to go to these events together and make our own events structured around support and sisterhood. We can talk about various topics that people are passionate about and come together to help each other make a positive difference in the community, country and world that we live in.

This is our Google Calendar that has lots of community events listed:

Our Actions

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