A Senior prison officer at HMP Belmarsh is threatening Kevan Thakrar. Take Action Now!

Slide has a yellow background. Text is in a bold black font with a border. The text reads: A Senior prison officer at HMP Belmarsh is targeting and threatening Kevan Thakrar.  take action now.  Content Warning: state violence, abelist violence

At 11 pm on 18th May, Supervisory Officer Halles (BA153) intentionally turned on lights in the segregation Unit and opened the observation panel on Kev's cell door to prevent him from being able to sleep. When Kev asked for the light to be turned off, Halles began to threaten him with physical violence.

Threats of violence against Kev continued until 4.30 am.

Kev has post-traumatic Stress caused by abuse from prison officers. These threats are being made to intentionally trigger Kev and further sleep deprivation, on top of Solitary Confinement.

Halles must be prevented from interacting with Kev immediately.

The targeted and intentional abuse Kev was subjected to on 18th May must be investigated by HMP Belmarsh.

Take Action Now!