Tell Minnesota Legislators to Reform State Speed Limits

Tell Minnesota legislators to fix unsafe speed limits


In Minnesota, speed limits tend to be set by the “85th percentile rule”, which states that speed limits should be set at or below the typical speed drivers travel on a given road. The fundamental problem with this approach is that it leads to perpetually higher speed limits over time. Minnesota also increased speed limits in 2015 from 55 MPH to 60 MPH on many roads. Higher speed limits are proven to increase severe injury and death rates and have resulted in hundreds of preventable deaths every year.

As another example of Minnesota’s flawed approach to setting speed limits, MnDOT has long resisted community calls to lower the speed limit on Olson Memorial Highway, which is set at 40 MPH, though many drivers travel much faster. Olson Memorial Highway has long been a high-injury street, with numerous severe and deadly crashes over the past decade. A pedestrian who is hit by a vehicle traveling 40 MPH has just a 15% chance of surviving, compared to a 95% chance of surviving if the vehicle is traveling 20 MPH.


We are organizing for the following actions to address unsafe speed limits in Minnesota:

1. The legislature should undo the 2015 change and return speed limits to 55 miles per hour.

2. The legislature should follow the State of Colorado’s example and direct MnDOT to change the way that speed limits are set in the state, prioritizing safety and accessibility over the 85th percentile rule.

3. The legislature should direct MnDOT to lower the speed limit on the portion of Olson Memorial Highway within Minneapolis to 25 miles per hour, which is consistent with other arterial streets, and to implement additional interim design changes and safety improvements to support reduced travel speeds.

Take action today! Your email will be sent to your state senator, state representative, and Governor Walz.

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Minneapolis, MN