AB 2580 Unfairly Stigmatizes Historic Preservation - OPPOSE

AB 2580 unfairly stigmatizes historic preservation and overlooks the cost-effectiveness of historic rehabilitation in providing and retaining affordable housing. The bill reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of existing preservation programs and, as admitted by its proponents, is the first step towards eroding protections for historic resources. Proponents have stated that "tackling the abuse of historic preservation rules requires several steps, and AB 2580 is a crucial initial measure.” AB 2580 fails to provide evidence of abuse, offers no incentives, and does not encourage housing, thereby wasting valuable resources.
What will AB 2580 do:
AB 2580 requires the housing element to analyze historic preservation practices and assess how historic designations impact local housing needs. It mandates the annual report to list all historic designations from the past year on the National Register, California Register, or local registers, along with the status of any housing projects proposed for these designations.
Why we oppose:
AB 2580 unfairly stigmatizes historic preservation and overlooks the cost-effectiveness of historic rehabilitation in providing and retaining affordable housing. The bill reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of existing preservation programs and, as admitted by the bill sponsor, is the first step towards eroding protections for historic resources. Proponents have stated that "tackling the abuse of historic preservation rules requires several steps, and AB 2580 is a crucial initial measure.” However, the bill fails to provide any evidence of abuse of historic rules, offers no incentives, and does nothing to encourage housing.