Ask Congress to End Lockdowns & Solitary Confinement - Sponsor Request

🔥 Join the Movement: #BeTheirVoice to End Lockdowns & Solitary Confinement 🔥

We need your voice now more than ever. Excessive lockdowns and solitary confinement are tearing our loved ones apart, and we can no longer stay silent. We're asking you to join us in pushing for real change by urging your state representatives to sponsor the H.R.4972 / S.3409 - End Solitary Confinement Act.

Why This Matters:

  • Excessive Lockdowns: Across federal facilities, non-disciplinary lockdowns are becoming the norm, with devastating impacts on mental health, rehabilitation, and family connections. This isn’t just about discipline—it's about neglect.

  • Director Peters’ Acknowledgment: Even she admits that staffing shortages are forcing these lockdowns. The system is broken, and it’s our loved ones who are paying the price.

  • FIRST-Network’s Platform: We’ve logged thousands of reports from across the country, exposing the true scale of this problem. This is more than just numbers—it’s a cry for help.

Call to Action: We’re calling for Congress to take immediate action. We need an investigation committee to dig into this crisis and find long-term staffing solutions that protect our loved ones and ensure humane treatment.

What the End Solitary Confinement Act Does:

Here’s a bill that can make a HUGE difference for those inside:

  • End to Solitary Confinement: This bill would ban solitary confinement in nearly all situations, putting an end to the inhumane practice of locking people down for 22+ hours a day. It only allows short, rare confinements for legitimate medical reasons or emergencies, and even then, it’s tightly controlled.

  • More Out-of-Cell Time: Ensuring everyone gets at least 14 hours out of their cell each day, including 7 hours of structured activities like education, job training, or counseling, plus recreation time.

  • Fair Treatment: Movement restrictions can only happen after a formal hearing, where the individual has the right to legal representation.

  • Oversight: A community group will monitor facilities to ensure these rules are followed.

  • Civil Rights Protections: The bill allows individuals to sue for damages if their rights are violated, including compensation for emotional pain and suffering.

Your Voice MATTERS!

Let’s make sure our loved ones are treated with dignity and respect. Reach out to your state representatives and urge them to sponsor the End Solitary Confinement Act. Together, we can make a difference.

#BeTheirVoice and help us end this inhumane practice once and for all.

Join FIRST-Network Today! - If you’re not already a member, we invite you to join FIRST-Network. Visit our Facebook group or our webpage at We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those incarcerated in federal facilities who are subjected to inhumane treatment, horrific conditions, and unnecessary punishment.


Heather Pirtle
President, FIRST-Network

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