Ask the University of Pittsburgh: how does torturing animals help humans?

Everyone knows that testing on animals is flawed. We shouldn’t seek to benefit from the suffering of others. But did you also know that testing on animals doesn’t result in cures for humans? Almost all tests (over 95%) conducted on animals that experimenters think will work on humans never do.

With this colossal rate of failure, it’s clear that animal testing is a primitive form of research. If you can even call it research!

So why do it?

That’s where you come in. Take 1 minute to ask the University of Pittsburgh why they killed 495 helpless animals in 12 months. Let them know you want to see the evidence that animal experiments at their lab cured disease in humans.

You and I know that the University of Pittsburgh doesn’t have this evidence. That’s why it’s so important that we hold them accountable. Don’t let experimenters use the pursuit of life-saving cures for people as a shield to hide the truth from you. Your voice can pierce this shield so everyone knows that animal testing is cruel AND does not benefit human health.

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