Ask your Rep. to sign a Dear Colleague letter in support of Susiya!

Representative Anna Eshoo is to circulating a Dear Colleague letter seeking co-signatures for a request to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to push Israel to recognize the planning rights of West Bank Palestinian villages in Area C, and keep the villages of Susiya and Khan al Ahmar standing!

Please click the red START WRITING button on the right
to email to your Representative, to ask them to sign on
to keep Aysar's village standing!

Aysar is the young man from Susiya who briefing Congress and met with Rep. Eshoo's staffAysar is the young man from Susiya who briefed Congress and met with Rep. Eshoo's staff

Affording Palestinians the rights to plan their communities and issue their own building permits in accordance with their village’s master plan poses no threat to the security of Israel. In fact, it fosters peace and stability. Yet, after 50 years of occupation, Israel is ever more aggressive in its issuance of demolition orders for “un-permitted” construction in Palestinian villages.

On August 29, 2017, in a speech damaging to a future peace process and demonstrating a lack of concern for US policy, Israeli Minister of Defense Avigdor Lieberman stated publicly that the government of Israel is moving to implement plans to evacuate the Palestinian villages of Susiya in the South Hebron Hills and Khan al-Ahmar near Ma’aleh Adumim within a few months."

As Hagai El-Ad, the Executive Director of Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, wrote in a Sep. 4th 2017 letter to Minister Lieberman, among other officials, the destruction of these Palestinian villages and the forced transfer of their residents would constitute a war crime.

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