Bring Back Free COVID Vaccines for Uninsured and Underinsured Adults

Join us in urging Congress, President Biden, and Vice President Harris to fund free COVID vaccines for underinsured and uninsured adults. The CDC’s Bridge Access Program, which provided free COVID vaccines to uninsured and underinsured adults, ended prematurely in August 2024 due to Congress cutting funding. Now, over 25 million US adults who lack insurance or whose insurance requires a co-pay for vaccines (underinsured) will not have covered access to updated boosters and will be required to pay more than $200. Updated COVID boosters protect us best when everybody takes them.The Federal government must fund free COVID vaccines for all.

To: President Biden, Vice President Harris, and members of Congress,
I urge you to take action to mandate and fund a program that ensures ongoing free COVID vaccine access for uninsured and underinsured adults, such as the CDC’s COVID Bridge Access program or the proposed Vaccines for Adults program. The CDC’s Bridge program ended in August 2024 due to a lack of funds, so uninsured and underinsured adults lost this important access to free COVID vaccines. They have lost access just as the latest vaccines have become available in pharmacies, clinics, and local health departments across the country.
Over 25 million adults lack adequate health insurance to cover the cost of the latest COVID vaccines, and fees of over $200 per shot are unaffordable for many. The CDC recommends these updated vaccines for people of all ages. Benefits of COVID vaccination range from reduced sick days to reduced risk of both severe disease and long-term disability due to Long COVID.
No one should have to choose between getting vaccinated and being able to afford their basic needs. Please act with urgency to fund free COVID vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults.

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