California Residents: Save Dogs and Cats from Needless Suffering

The Protection of Dogs and Cats from Unnecessary Testing Act, S.B. 252, would protect dogs and cats from being poisoned in toxicological experiments.

Right now, dogs and cats are used in these experiments even though it's not required by law. This type of experimentation is especially cruel and does not result in cures that promote human health. Labs poison all species of animals, and we’re hopeful that passage of a law protecting dogs and cats will be the stepping stone to protecting all species from being purposely poisoned in labs. If passed, this legislation would be the first step to ending poison experiments in the United States.

That's why we need your help to get this legislation passed and put an end to these cruel poisoning experiments for good. The California Senate will be voting on this bill this week. Please take a moment to ask your Senator to support this legislation.

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