Call on Canada to Ban Settlement Products and Services Entirely

Just Peace Advocates welcomes the July 29, 2019 decision of the Federal Court of Canada that wines produced in illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory cannot be labelled as product of Israel. This decision further confirms that consumers are entitled to “express their political views through their purchasing decisions” including having  accurate information regarding product origin.

In light of this Court decision, the Palestinian international human rights organization, Al-Haq has "called on the Canadian Government and Parliament to take a stance against Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, in line with Canada’s obligations under international law including not to recognise, give effect or assist an unlawful situation, by banning trade in settlement products and services entirely."

Al Haq calls on the Government of Canada:

  • To accept the Federal Court’s ruling, and for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to adopt labels for settlement-made products which accurately allow consumers to exercise their right to buy conscientiously and make informed decisions;
  • To build on the Court decision by taking positive measures toward respecting international law, including by banning illegal settlement products and services;
  • To take all necessary measures to ensure full respect for and compliance with international law norms, including the Geneva Conventions, relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, General Assembly and the Human Rights Council regarding third state obligations toward the OPT;
  • Support the release of the UN database of businesses engaged in activities related to Israeli settlements, as per UN Human Rights Council resolution 31/36 of 2016; and
  • To abide by their obligations as third States and as High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, notably under Common Article 1, to respect and to ensure respect for international humanitarian law in the OPT in all circumstances.

Join in the call made by Al-Haq by writing directly to Prime Minister Trudeau.


Letter Campaign by
Karen Rodman
Fenelon Falls, Canada
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