Congress Must Pass a Pathway to Citizenship
***Sigue en español***
Congress Must Create a Path to Citizenship
We need your help this week to make sure our Members of Congress know that we want a pathway to Citizenship for millions of people to be included in the Build Back Better (reconciliation) bill with or without the approval of the Parliamentarian!
The Senate parliamentarian has recommended against the inclusion of citizenship for millions in Build Back Better. We cannot let a lone, unelected staff attorney derail the hopes of millions of immigrants. That’s why it’s crucial that we take the following steps to make sure that our Members of Congress hear us:
Write your Senators and ask them to include greencards / a pathway to Citizenship in the Build Back Better (budget reconciliation) bill and ignore the parliamentarian.
Call your Senators to ask them to include greencards / a pathway to Citizenship in the Build Back Better (budget reconciliation) bill and ignore the parliamentarian! Here are the phone numbers for Colorado’s Congressional delegation and a script for calling Senator Hickenlooper and Senator Bennet.
Thank you so much for taking a few minutes out of your day to take action! Please share these calls to action with friends!
El Congreso debe aprobar un camino hacia la ciudadanía