TIME SENSITIVE Contact Congress: Prevent Demolitions in al-Aqaba
The Palestinian village of Al Aqaba exemplifies what peace can be — that is one of the reasons why USAID invested in both the goat cheese factory and their tea factory, along with thousands of Americans who helped build the Al Haq Kindergarten and many of the new homes there.
Contact Congress now and press for the immediate dismissal of the demolition orders.
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Here's what's happening:
On the morning of October 11, 2021, the Israeli Army issued 96-hour demolition orders against one Palestinian home in the West Bank Area C village of al-Aqaba in the Israeli Army’s Firing Zone 900. Due to Congressional interventions, no demolitions had happened in Al Aqaba since 2010. The family appealed but the Judge who is himself a settler, ruled the family should have sought unattainable building permits. He allowed their home to be demolished. Now their temporary home, a prefab unit, can be demolished at any time without warning.
His ruling put the other homes in Al Aqaba at risk of demolition. Two more 96-hour orders were filed against two homes and an agricultural road on May 2, 2022. The families immediately filed their appeals — the Justice in Israel’s High Court will make her decision soon. Please ask Congress to intervene now.