Remove Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terror List

In the last days of his presidency, Donald Trump re-instated Cuba on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. The State Sponsor of Terror list is a baseless and false designation that punitively harms Cuba’s economy and stands as the most significant barrier to rapprochement between the United States and the Republic of Cuba.
Recently, Representative Mario Diaz-Balart, who represents an anti-Cuban constituency in South Florida, introduced language into a foreign appropriations spending bill that would remove the president's constitutional authority to review Cuba's placement on the State Sponsor of Terror list, effectively making the designation permanent. That bill has now passed the house, and Marco Rubio intends to introduce similar language to its senate counterpart.
It is vital that we act now to demand that this anti-Cuba language be rejected from any senate appropriations. Cuba must be removed from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list, not made a permanent target of US hostility.
Fill out the following form to send your senator a message: unblock Cuba! Remove Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terror List.