Call on Mayoral Candidates to Stand By Immigrant Communities and Defend New Orleans’ Bias Free Policies!

Trump's rescinding of DACA is one horrible step in a barrage of racist attacks on the immigrant community.

Now, more than ever, we need New Orleans mayoral candidates to stand by the immigrant community, and to stand up for sustainable jobs for all New Orleans residents!


Will Our Next Mayor Honor New Orleans’ Bias Free Policing Policy?

Immigrants make New Orleans strong. They’re our neighbors and co-workers, in our schools, soccer teams, churches, and at our corner store. They helped rebuild our community after the storm.

Our home is a proud gumbo of diversity, but hateful federal laws and new ICE enforcement policies threaten to tear our community and families apart.

Outside Orleans Parish, for immigrants, a minor traffic violation can carry a death sentence. Being stopped for a minor offense - a broken tail light or driving without a license - can mean incarceration, being ripped away from family, months of detention or even deportation to countries where our asylum-seeking neighbors fear for their lives.

Not only do our deported neighbors suffer, but so does the community they leave behind: US-born children growing up without their parents, schools with one less involved parent, one less employee to make our economy strong.

Our tax money should not be wasted in criminalizing, over-policing and destroying communities: it should be invested in schools, fixing our streets, or creating sustainable, living-wage jobs.

New Orleanians organizing together won a bias free policing policy on immigration: Our next mayor should continue this common sense public safety policy. Our neighbors should not be condemned to more severe punishments just because of their skin color or immigration background!

Call on our Mayoral Candidates to Stand Up for Immigrants and Stand By New Orleans’ Bias-Free Policing Policy!

In addition to sending the letter, tweet the Candidates! @desicharbonnet @latoyafornola @MichaelBagneris

“Immigrants Make Nola Strong! Protect our Welcoming City Heritage!”

“Support Living-Wage Jobs for Nola Residents - Not More Cops and Criminalization!”