Don't Cancel our May 2025 East Sussex County Elections

East Sussex Conservatives are planning to use the government's shake-up of local councils as a means to suspend the May 2025 County elections.

This would keep them in power at ESCC for two more years and make them key decision-makers for a new mega-council.

This move is an undemocratic power-grab by a dying minority Tory regime... we MUST stop them from cancelling our important elections and removing our chance to get progressive, green voices at the decision-making table.

Please write to the Ministry of State for Local Government, asking them to refuse their request to cancel the elections.

It only takes a minute to oppose this move: use our easy email template. Use it soon - there's not much time. Requests should be in by Friday 31 January.

And please forward to friends and family in East Sussex and ask them to respond too.

Let's not let East Sussex Conservatives get away with this!

Please make sure you include your contact name and address - thank you.