Fight for Teacher's Rights to Fair Workload & Compensation

Your unions are fighting to make your voice heard. In addition to LFTs ongoing fight for your permanent pay raise, we have made great strides in bringing the issues to legislators that teachers and staff have told us impact your quality of life and ability to do your job effectively–workload, discipline, and safety.

This week lawmakers will vote on a critical bill filed by your unions that protects teacher’s rights to a fair workload and overtime compensation.  

✅SB 205 provides for additional compensation for teachers who work overtime or beyond their regular duties as well as compensates for planning time.

Not only are teachers not paid for their work, but valuable time and resources are being taken away from being able to care for their families.

ACT NOW: Click "start writing" to add your signature to a letter to lawmakers urging them to VOTE FOR SB 205 and take care of the people looking out for our children’s futures in the classroom.