Grand Rapids: Sanctuary City Now!

GR Rapid Response to ICE

With the incoming Trump Administration threat of mass deportations, it is imperative that institutions across the city of Grand Rapids step up and take action in support of our undocumented immigrants who are an integral part of our community. Join GR Rapid Response to ICE in urging the City of Grand Rapids to declare itself a Sanctuary City.

People in our city depend on and interact with immigrant neighbors every day: from the harvested food we eat, to the restaurants we patronize; from the construction of buildings we live and work in, to the manufactured products we use daily; from the clean hotel rooms and offices we visit, to the home health care we receive or provide for our loved ones. They are the children learning and playing in our schools, the drivers who stop and wave us through the busy traffic turn, and the neighbors who offer a smile on our daily walks and errands.

We must make clear that immigrants are valued members of our community and that their safety is a priority.

Adopting Sanctuary City status will mean that Grand Rapids:

  1. Declares itself a sanctuary to undocumented immigrants, and;
  2. Commits to preventing the Grand Rapids Police Department from cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials and any law enforcement agency that seek to arrest, detain and deport undocumented immigrants.

Find out more and write your letter to the Grand Rapids City Commission now!

Letter Campaign by
Ames Carpenter
Grand Rapids, Michigan