In Addie's Memory: I Urge My Ohio Legislators to pass Aid in Dying legislation for the terminally ill.

Adria "Addie" and Jim O'Neil of Wadsworth Ohio in June 2018 (photo provided by Jim O'Neil).

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As your constituent, I urge you to support Aid in Dying legislation for the terminally ill in Ohio. I call on you to re-introduce SB 249, first introduced in 2018 in GA 132 by Senator Charleta Tavares.

Ohioan Jim O'Neil recently lost his wife to cancer. It was a very difficult death though she had wonderful hospice care. Please read Jim's heartfelt plea for legislation in Addie's memory here:

Such a bill, modeled on the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, in effect for over 20 years now, would allow competent, terminally-ill Ohioans with less than six months to live, to obtain a prescription from their doctor for medications to end their lives peacefully, at the place and time of their choosing.

The bill would establish stringent procedures and tough safeguards that have proven safe and effective in eight states and the District of Columbia. Two doctors must verify a terminal diagnosis with less than six months to live, that the patient is seeking the prescription voluntarily, that the patient is mentally competent and is able to take then medication own their own.

Seven in ten Ohioans, including me, believe that terminally ill people should have the option of medical aid in dying according to a May 2018 survey of Ohio voters. This law would give Ohioans more freedom and peace of mind when they face inevitable death. Currently one in five Americans have access to this option. It's time for Ohio to have this legal option too

If I am terminally ill, am mentally competent and have only six months or less to live, I should have the power decide whether to hasten my own death if the suffering becomes too great.
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