Support the National Microbead-Free Waters Act (without loopholes!)

We need your help to fight the cosmetic industries' deep pockets by creating massive public support for a microbead ban without loopholes!

You already know that microbeads: 

  • Pollute America's waterways:
  • Threaten wildlife and public health
  • Are completely unnecessary

The cosmetics industry has spent big money in states across the country to undermine microbead bans by creating loopholes for so called "biodegradable plastics" to replace traditional polyethylene plastics.

“Biodegradable plastics” are not a solution: Many  “biodegradable plastics” do not actually biodegrade, but only break down into smaller pieces that worsen the plastic pollution problem in our waters. 

The Microbead-Free Waters Act addresses bans plastic microbeads in personal care products in the US. 

Fight the cosmetic industries' deep pockets and help us create massive public support for a microbead ban without loopholes!

Please send a letter to your Representative today and tell them to support a loophole-free Microbeads-Free Waters Act!

Letter Campaign by
5 Gyres
Santa Monica, California