Keep Masks In Healthcare

Policy to remove masks in healthcare is dangerous, unethical and based on flawed data. Please join us in sending a clear message to your state governor. (The form will route the letter to your governor based on the address you enter on the form.) Health care is the most essential place to prevent spread of infection, and keeping health care safe should be a bare minimum of accessibility in every state.
To Governors,
Health officials must require masking in all healthcare settings and ensure good masks are readily available. The CDC guidance, which permits ending mask use when “Community Transmission” levels are not “high" is dangerous, unethical and based on flawed data.
Hospitals and doctors’ offices provide COVID patient care, so even if infection rates are low they are among the likeliest places to encounter people with COVID and vulnerable patients. Failing to require masks in healthcare violates medical ethics principles. Patients seek care to improve their health. Healthcare providers have an ethical responsibility to DO NO HARM and ensure that they do not expose patients to COVID. Also, CDC’s policy relies on the Community Transmission map, which grossly underestimates infection rates.
Please keep our communities safer from COVID-19 by requiring and providing high-quality masks for all. Healthcare should be a place of healing where risk of infection is minimized.