Condemn Liberals for boycotting Capital Pride

Send a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and federal liberal MPs.

As Canadians standing for inclusivity and against hatred and discrimination, we are deeply concerned  that Trudeau and the  Liberal Party of Canada decided not to participate in the Capital Pride Parade this week solely because the organisers voiced their opposition to the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel and refused the pink wash attempts by Israel.

By standing with human rights and complying with the ICJ recent ruling, Ottawa's Capital  Pride should be commended not punished and smeared.

Trudeau & the liberal's boycotting of such an important event for the 2SLGBTQIA+community in the National Capital casts dark shadow on claims of inclusivity, support of marginalized people and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in general. It also brings to question whether our government really cares about International law and human rights specially when it comes to the Palestinian victims of genocide (as many human rights organizations and UN agencies see the ongoing onslaught in Gaza)

The vast majority of Canadians support peace in the West Asia and are appalled by the flagrant disregard of human rights by Israel as documented by the many observers on the ground there and aired live daily on our screens. Our elected government should reflect the will of the Canadians and not succumb to the whims of those who prefer to ignore the 40,000 dead Palestinians, most of them are women and children.

Initiated with:

Solidarity with Palestine- St. John's

The Canadian BDS Coalition & International BDS Allies

The Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

Just Peace Advocates

Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)

Ontario Palestinian Rights Association (OPRA)

and others