Mayor Wilson: It's time to Stop Zenith!
Right now, the City of Portland has the opportunity to deny Zenith Energy's Land Use Compatibility Statement, or LUCS. This permit is the missing piece that Zenith needs to expand its facility and continue its dangerous operations. Mayor Keith Wilson has the power to step in here, to not only ensure that this permit is denied, but also to make sure that a decision on this happens with a full public process via City Council, rather than a repeated "backroom deal" such as what we saw in 2022. It's time for transparency, a public process, for Portland voters to be listened to and respected, and for this out-of-state fossil fuel company to be held accountable!
Important reminder: The reason this decision is back in the City's hands is because Zenith got in trouble with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for illegally expanding its facility, and was instructed to obtain a new permit (and pay a large fine). Zenith is using this punishment as an opportunity to demand even more from the City, to further expand its operations under the guise of suddenly becoming a "sustainable aviation fuel" company, even though they lack any contracts to be transporting this material. The City must not fall for this!
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